Sunday, January 26, 2020
All in One Development Project Proposal
All in One Development Project Proposal Project Proposal: Restaurant Convention Table of Content Introduction Nowadays people are finding a place that they can eat, relax, hanging out with friends, meeting, and even held any events such as Birthday parties, Wedding and etc.; in a building or in other words all-in one building. In Malaysia, this type of building is rarely be found as people are looking for it. Most of the building in Malaysia have a single function. Background Project â€Å"Restaurant and Convention†is a place that people can eat in the building as well as having meeting or held any events. Restaurant means a business that serves food and drinks to customers in exchange for money. Normally, meals are served and be eaten in the restaurant or also can be take-out. Besides that, restaurant is a place for people to have a great time with family and friends. Convention can be define as a place for large scale of people gathering with the same and common interest. Convention may refer to; Meeting Convention: A place for individual people who meets at a certain arranged place and time in order to discuss in some common interest. Fan Convention: It is a place to hold an event for the fans of a particular comic book, actors, celebrities, artists, gather to participate and do programs. Some also incorporate commercial activity. Wedding Convention: Is a place where people hold a wedding ceremony at a certain arranged place and time. So this proposed project is a combination between restaurant and convention where people can dine-in and at the same time can hold any events at the Convention halls. Proposed Site Location The proposed site location is located at the beach in Malacca called Klebang Beach. This beach is one of the best attraction in Malacca where the famous Coconut Shake is located near the beach. The purpose of choosing this site not only because of the attraction, it is because it has a nice view facing the sea, always have cool breeze blowing or natural ventilation, natural lighting from the sun and etc. Besides that, it is also near the main road, called Klebang Besar road. Below is the location map of Klebang beach from the Malacca State (Map 1.1) and proposed site of part of Klebang Beach (Map 1.2). Map 1.1 Picture above shows the location of the site at the Part of Malacca Map. Map 1.2 Picture above shows the site from the Klebang beach. Principal Reasons For Undertaking The Proposed Project The preparations for Malacca District development goals of the Malacca District Local Plan can be explained when the framework that has the details and important point for guiding the Malacca district development about five to ten years until the year of 2015, based on Vision 2020, Malacca State Government, and Ministry of Tourism and Culture. Principal Function And Scale Of The Building Based on the Background of Project above, function of â€Å"Restaurant and Convention†is for people to have meal and enjoy the time with friends and family. Besides the convention act as an event hall for people to do any wedding reception beside the beach scenery. Not only for wedding reception, other events such as meetings or even birthday parties can be held there too. The estimated capacity of people in the building will be 1000 person on weekdays while 1500 during weekend. The Population will increase during the peak season such as School Holidays, Hari Raya Celebration, Chinese New Year and etc., as more people or family will visit Klebang Beach for their vacations or going back to their hometown. Problem Statement Based on Alor Gajah Municipal Council, the objective they stated for 2015 is, â€Å"to create a quality, sustainable and planned development in sectors as follows: Housing Commercial Industry Infrastructure and Utilities Public Facility Recreation Social/Community Out of these, the tourism and investment sectors will be the by-product of the district development efforts. However, even for tourism sector, potential areas for specific tourism will be identified to optimize the development effects on the tourism sector in this district.†( Based on the statistics of visitors visited Jasin, Malacca, (Picture 1.3) which part of the proposed site, Klebang Beach, it shows that Jasin is famous and people do visits from time to time. Besides that, it can be a problem statement for this proposed project, which are Restaurant and Convention. Picture 1.3 Picture above shows the visitors’ statistics that visited Jasin, Melaka. ( Apart from the Malacca state itself which is the majority of visitors, tourists from this country who came from the state of Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Kuala Lumpur, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Penang, Sabah, Sarawak, Selangor and Terengganu. Tourists from outside also is of Neighboring countries of Singapore, the Netherlands and Australia. For tourism activities as well as migration, greatly affect the destination distance. Distance to the place of destination resorts will attract the number of tourists. Vice versa (Nicolas Mas, 2005). This explains why more tourists in the country against foreign tourists visiting to Malacca. Table 1 shows the country of origin of respondents who travel to Melaka. Based on the findings study, traveler’s original from Melaka is the most tourist compared tourists from other countries. The percentage of tourists who hails from Malacca was 32.1 percent. From this table, the visitors that visits Malacca can be broken down into two which are tourists in the country and overseas tourists. The number of tourists in the country, 93.6 percent of the tourists who come from States that are in Malaysia while foreign tourists whose numbers were only 6.4 percent of the tourists who come from outside from Malaysia, based on, Geography Online TM Malaysian Journal of Society and Space 9 issue 3 (12-23) 17  © 2013, ISSN 2180-2491. Table 1 Table above shows Tourists from Other Countries and States in Malaysia that visit Malacca in the 2013. ( Aim and Objective of Project The main purpose of this Restaurant and Convention project is the development is cost effective and will provide the state government with a return on investment in terms of tourism and economic levels. Strategic Objectives Enable the Restaurant and Convention to continue to grow its business and compete effectively and internationally in the convention and exhibition market. Provide Facilities to people surroundings such as recreation, commercial and infrastructure. To boost the popularity and attraction of Klebang Beach and some place surrounding. Since it is a restaurant, so is too ensure customer satisfaction and build a repeat-customer base. Besides it is to fulfill the people and the site needs, so that it will reach the people satisfaction. Solution to the Problem Statement All-In-One Development As the first problem stated above by Alor Gajah Municipal Council, they want to develop a sustainable and effective development which are as above aspects. The aspects are: Housing Commercial Industry Infrastructure and Utilities Public Facility Recreation Social/Community So, solution to this problem is to combine some of the aspects together which is the proposed project. The proposed project which are combination of Infrastructure and Utilities, Recreations, Social/Community, Public Facilities and Commercial. With this combination, it can safe cost by develop all the aspects in one building instead of separate development. Not only can save cost, it can preserve the natural environment and nature surrounding at once, it can reduce the negative impact on nature. Since the proposed site is a beach, it will not pollute the beach during and also after construction. Facilities It will also provide facilities to the people surrounding and also throughout the nation, Malaysia. As the proposed project is â€Å"Restaurant and Convention†, the development will not only consist of restaurant and convention halls. The development will consists of reading areas, IT areas, recreational areas, meeting rooms and etc. These facilities can serve the public efficiently. As I mentioned above, wedding halls are part of the convention halls in the development. Beach wedding reception is rarely found in Malaysia. With this development, it can provide wedding beach facilities and boost the economy level in Malacca as well as Malaysia. Increase Attraction Klebang is one of the potential area in Malacca besides the main city, Bandar Hilir. Attraction at Klebang is one of the factors that made Klebang Famous. The attractions are as follows: Klebang Beach People from all over Malacca and even Malaysia spend their time with friends and families at the beach. It has a really nice view of sea with cool breeze ventilating the area. It is a very nice place relax and spend time together. Klebang Coconut Shake Klebang beach has a very interesting snack, The Famous Coconut Shake, which is fresh coconut filling blend together with ice and Vanilla ice cream. This snack attracts people from Malaysia and even tourists that come from China, Japan and others. Bustel Bustel is a word combination come from Bus and Hotel. Beside the coconut shake, this hotel is made from old bus and converted in hotels. This is to bring back the past time and make it into something new or in other word preserving. Tourist enjoy staying in Bustel because of the strategic place. Target Users Tourists Families Teenagers Resources Required Some resources and information are required for me to gather and refer that related to the proposed project such as research paper, location drawing, site drawing, survey drawing, case studies and others. These resources helps to consider the main aspects and criteria in order to design the proposed project, Restaurant and Convention. Alor Gajah Municipal Council website, Pejabat Daerah Tanah Jasin official website, Article on, Pembangunan pelancongan lestari di Melaka: Perspektif pelancong, Proposed Output This proposal is to meet the output requirements in terms of drawings, 3D CAD presentation and physical models etc. There are several presentation techniques. 2D, 3D CAD or manual drawings will be used for this proposed project. By the end of this proposal, the effectiveness and appropriateness of the drawings/material presented, not the method used. Conclusion In a nutshell, Restaurant and Convention is a public facilities for the people surrounding to use efficiently. It is a relaxing place for families and friends to get together and enjoy the beach scenery with natural wind blowing while they are having their meal at the restaurant or while they are having any events at the convention hall. References,. Official Portal Of Alor Gajah Municipal Council Special Area Plan. Web. 2 Feb. 2015. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,. Pembangunan Pelancongan Lestari Di Melaka: Perspektif Pelancong. N.p., 2013. Web. 2 Feb. 2015.,. LAMAN UTAMA. Web. 2 Feb. 2015.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Mice and Men
George Is starting to appear as more of the leading character as most of the significant Interactions Involve him due to the fact that Leonie Is told specifically not to speak to anyone unless he has to until he can show that he can work and is a great person to have around the ranch.Leonie – Leonie is beginning to appear as almost a child like character who the reader is brought to feel sorry for due to the fact he needs to be told what to do every time something occurs for example when he goes o drink water George needs to tell him to slow down or otherwise he will get sick. Example from chapter 1 supporting my comments: â€Å"Leonie! †he said sharply. â€Å"Leonie, for God' sakes don't drink so much. †Leonie continued to snort Into the pool. The small man leaned over and shook him by the shoulder. Leonie. You goanna be sick Like you was last night†George has always appeared resentful of Leonie from the beginning of the book due to mainly the fact that he was the reason they were forced from weed however there is also slight resent that doesn't always appear from just the basic need of Leonie which George is always required to take care of however he would never let Leonie know he feels this way. A quote to support this would be: Well, how the hell did she know you Jus' wanted to feel her dress?She Jerks back and you hold on like it was a mouse. She yells and we got to hide in a irrigation ditch all day with guys looking' for us, and we got to sneak out in the dark and get auto the country. Leonie carries a dead mouse in his pocket as he Likes to have something to pat and most likely something that could keep him company, this shows the reader that he Is ere child and that we should probably feel sorry for him, as he doesn't exactly know social protocol and how to act properly.George and Leonie had to leave Weed due to the fact Leonie went up to a lady and felt her dress, she believed he was going to assault her and quickly told everyone that is what he did when really all he wanted to do was feel the fabric, a lynch mob was then formed to capture Leonie and they decided to quickly leave the town. George orders Leonie not to talk when they arrive at the weed so that the owners do not get the wrong impression of them and think they are stupid, instead George ants Leonie to show them how well he can work and then he can talk to them.Itinerant workers Like George and Leonie are the loneliest people In the world because they are always traveling and usually alone so they can never stop to meet George and Leonie both dream of one day owning their own ranch where they can tend to animals like rabbits for George, this is important to both of them as it is what pushes them to continue on and fight for what they believe in. The opening scene of the novella describes the tranquility of the Salinas River; it describes a deep pool arched by the branches of sycamore trees.Read this section closely and discuss the feelin g and tone is creates. Why do you think Steinbeck writes so evocatively of this place? Choose THREE sentences or phrases from this opening section and analyses the techniques used by the author and discuss the effect created. Create a vocabulary section at the back of your workbook. Then, find FIVE words to start your list. Write out the word and the definition. Chapter 1 . Choose ONE of the following activities: Look back over Chapter One and find as many references as you can that compare Leonie to an animal.What do you think this means? Make a list of these references and keep adding to it as you read the rest of the chapters. George and Leonie are obviously committed to each other, yet they often criticism each other. Make a list of the negative aspects of their relationship. Explain why you think they stay together in spite of this. Write a character profile of Leonie and George. Describe their physical characteristics, their personalities, hopes, dreams, similarities and diffe rence. Chapter 1 Activity: B) George and Leonie have a lot of negative aspects, most of these are a result ofLien's actions throughout their travels which often result in trouble for the pair however sometimes it is George who does something that Leonie despises. An example of something George does is trying to control everything Leonie does such as not allowing him to keep a dead mouse even though George is Just doing what is best for Leonie however he doesn't know that. Leonie is always doing something that antagonizes George or has negative effects towards him, the biggest one being that he was the reason they had to flee from Weed after a woman believed he was trying o assault her.Chapter 2 – Questions The opening passage of chapter 2 really does convey the dullness of the bunkhouse conditions that they were stuck with or how prioritize work was by displaying how no attention was paid to the bunkhouse by the owners to set concentration on work. Steinbeck is trying to conv ey how dull the building truly is and that people who stay there get hardly any enjoyment but rather are simply there for a paycheck no matter the conditions. George is angered upon entering the house by finding the poison that kills bugs etc. which was put there by Whites, this may be used to introduce him by showing that he was a good morale man (trying to keep bugs away from the house). Candy shows that the boss is a â€Å"pretty nice fell†by telling the story of how one Christmas he brought a whole barrel of whisky for everyone to share. We learn he is not a laboring man by the description of his hand, which describes them as being without calluses. George tries to speak for Leonie as that is what they decided in the last chapter would happen so that Leonie would not appear stupid to the boss and would not get red.He explains this to the boss by saying he is Just his friend but eventually gives up why he must speak for him and tells him to Just watch him work. â€Å"A g uy on a ranch don't ever listen nor he don't ask no questions†This quote reveals that no one really cares about each other on the ranch and everything is money driven which Is the sole purpose in people being there. The threat of Curler could be significant to the duo as he may stop them from working at the ranch and ruining any dreams they have and would leave them in a very difficult situation.George is concerned, as he believed they finally found a place to stay and it could be potentially ruined. Candy offers an insight into all of the other characters that live on the ranch and how they interact with everyone. Curlers wife is largely introduced as being a bit of a slut or being easy, Steinbeck infers this by allowing the other characters to describe all the types of men seen around her and how she is only liked because of her looks.After being scared of how George reacted to Curlers wife's description George try to calm him down by assuring him that he would be safe and nothing would happen to him. Slim is portrayed as being of very high character and almost a lot better than others, weather he believes this as well is unknown however a lot of people both respect and fear him for the power over everyone else he holds.Curler and his wife – The reader is able to gain insight into the relationship, which may craft the experiences George and Leonie face on the ranch due to the couple being so influential and the wife being so controlling meaning Curler could be relationship – We are able to gain more of an insight than we did in previous happens due to there finally being contact with other people, through this we learn just how dependent Leonie really is on George and how that will most likely craft what happens between the pair.Their end goals – We learn of Just truly how much the pairs end goal of owning their own farm pushes them on to go through anything as long as in the end they have each other and their animals. Candy's rel ationship with his dog is a lot like George's relationship with Leonie: they both care for things that other people can't appreciate. – This shows an insight into tot relationships by Steinbeck comparing the two couples even though they could not be more different, This shows the reader that Candy does care for a of things despite his initial impression while also reaffirming the love George and Leonie have for each other.She slang her pups last night, said Slim. â€Å"Nine fame. I drowned four of ‘me right off. She couldn't feed that many. – This shows the hardships people have to go through on the farm and how quickly they Just have to get over it Chapter 3 – Questions George says that Leonie will want to sleep in the barn so that he can be with the puppies for as long as possible. O George explains that Leonie was in an accident as a child and is now a bit under developed which is why he travels with him to take care of him as he can not on his own.Wha t happened that made George stop playing dirty tricks on Leonie? George and Leonie had to flee from weed because of Lenses ignorance in thinking that he could go and touch a woman's dress, she took this as him assaulting her and a lynch mob was soon formed to hunt the pair of Wrongdoers' I believe Carlson is the one who made the decision to shoot Candy's dog. The letter holds significance has it shows how truly lonely people who stay on the ranch are from the writer's personal experience, the fact that he was literate may also be significant.George allows Candy to live with them on the farm due to the money that Candy promised to provide which is about half needed to buy a whole farm. Curler attacks Leonie as he figured out he is very vulnerable and almost child like when really he is a coward. Curler agrees to not get Leonie fired to save himself the embarrassment of being beaten by Leonie who everyone now knows is ‘stupid'. Leonie fears that for hurting Curler George will no t let him tend the rabbits on their dream farm as punishment.Chapter 4 – Questions Crooks seems to have a lot more possessions than anyone else on the farm firstly due to Just the length of time he has been there in comparison to everyone else and also he is a cripple so he normally Just stays in his home and keeps possessions to look at. Crooks instinct to not allow Leonie into his room is purely because of the segregation which was still active back then, Leonie did not understand this concept so crooks just did not let him inside. Crooks believes that everyone needs a companion Just so that they can have someone to talk to and trust in their life.Crooks initial response is that he thinks they are Joking because they will never be able to own a farm together however after he realizes they already have some money for the land his attitude changes and he wants to stay with him if it ever does happen. Men are afraid to talk to Curlers wife because someone may then tell Curler who no matter what actually happened will believe anything and probably kick him or her off the farm. Curlers Wife dislikes talking to Curler because he always talked about abusing people and to begin with she never loved him.Candy gives the reason that she liked them now after they don't believe she will get them fired. Crooks believes that he may soon be off the ranch and therefore can afford to take more risks he also has the backing of Candy, which motivates him. Candy tells Curlers wife that he hears the men coming which makes Candy then want to leave which is what Candy wanted. Quite racist. Chapter 5 – Questions Ellen accidental killed his own puppy by hitting it too hard when it was being subeditor.Curlers wife shares with Leonie that she never liked Curler in the first place and also how she Just wants someone to talk to in a relationship. Curlers wife offers Leonie to caress her hair because she knows he likes soft things and she takes pride in her soft hair. Leonie kills Curlers wife because he thinks that she will scream and get him in trouble, which will result in either Leonie being kicked off the farm, or him not getting to tend to rabbits, the end result is much worse however. George says that Leonie can't escape and live on his own because he believes thatLeonie would not be able to survive on his own Candy's greatest fear is that their dream of owning a farm will not come true. Slim tells Leonie that if they catch Leonie instead of killing him that he would have to go to prison and that would be worse than death for him, like candy's dog for example where it was better to die. The men all think that Leonie is armed because Candy's gun was stolen however it was really George who took it. Carlson plans to shot Leonie right in the guts so that he would tumble over. Candy decides to look after Curlers wife while the others go off searching. Mice and Men Mice and men How does Steinbeck create tension In chapter 3? Steinbeck creates tension In chapter 3 In numerous ways; he describes the layout and lighting of the rooms which gives the reader Insight Into the setting. He describes the conversations in the bunk house, the noise levels and the noises heard from outside again setting the scene. When Steinbeck sets the scenes he uses imagery as a meaning of description. He uses irony in his language, saying one thing or meaning another.He also goes into detail about the dialogue of the characters and the way they speak to one another. All of which creates tension in the chapter. In the opening sentence of chapter 3 it says ‘Although there was evening brightness showing through the windows of the bunk house, Inside It was dusk' so this leads me to believe that the bunk house which Is where this chapter Is based, is a dark and damp place giving the reader a cold atmosphere, which Is normal when an author wants to create tension using Imagery.Steinbeck creates tension in the same way later in the chapter, on page 46 ‘it was almost dark outside now' this shows that it is getting darker outside, so it must be tie late at night, when It's a dark atmosphere it creates tension as you know if you do go out side you won't be able to see this puts the person in an alert state and your body and mind on stand by to react to something being out there. A darker atmosphere makes the scene tenser because you don't know what's going to happen.This is a dialogue from slim; ‘God almighty that dog stinks. Get him auto here, Candy! I don't know nothing that stinks so bad as an old dog. ‘ You Imagine the smell of wet fur and how unpleasant that would be In a small space and how It could make you eel annoyed and highlight the tension which Is already In the room. You goat get him out. ‘ Slim keeps on putting pressure to Candy about the dog, Slim keeps on complaining about Candy's dog because he doesn't like it . Wynn;t you shoot him, Candy?Carlson is just saying shoot the dog and get rid of him before I shoot him for you. He is annoyed that he has to put up with the smell and states he is saying you have no choice but to get rid of that dog. Carlson is a powerful large man who is insensitive so he always speaks his mind even if he hurts people's feelings and this is evident in this sentence. He pressures Candy to have the dog shot this would create extra tension which is evident when they are parts of silence In the chapter. The young man turned to the back of the magazine. ‘ This shows that they are switching the view point to something else, It Is a distraction so that Candy forgets about the shooting of the dog. When I read this It makes me feel tense because I want to know what is going to happen so we read it Taste. You Know Tanat tender Is tension In ten room Walt awkward moments AT tension. Peg 75 the tension begins to mount. Words like ‘nervously create this tension as we liaise that Candy's dog is going to be killed.This scene is in stark contrast to the previous, the hope of the ranch hands has changed as they turn on Candy's dog and we feel the sadness this is going to create. Candy ‘hopelessly hands the dog over and in, ‘hopelessly he means that Candy knows there is no point fighting against the decision he has Just got to back down, his character has been dominated by stronger characters and pressured into handing over the dog by the move dominant characters. It goes on to say ‘Anti nothing left for him. Can't eat, can't see, can't even walk without hurting.Carlson is naming things that Candy's dog has got wrong with him, making up excuses why he wants to kill and get rid of the dog, trying to win round the other characters that he is actually doing the dog a favor. When Carlson and Slim are having a conversation Just before Carlson goes outside and shoots the dog Slim says ‘Take a shovel' this makes us feel tense bec ause it doesn't say why Carlson will need a shovel, and what he wants it for. So creating mystery is it need to bury the dog or to kill the dog? Page 51 – ‘His voice trailed off. It was silent outside. Carillon's footsteps died away.The silence came into the room. And the silence lasted. ‘ In this quote silence or silent is repeated 3 times, this is to make sure we understand that it is silent outside so we can't hear anything at all, ‘Carillon's footsteps died away means that Carlson has gone far away to shoot Candy's dog. The silence also shows how high the tension must be in the bunk house now, the other characters no knowing who to stand by where do their loyalties lie or who is it best to show your sympathy to Carson for as he says Putting the dog out of misery or Candy as he has Just lost his loyal friend for no season other than it smells.Slim said ‘Candy, you can have any one of them pups you want' Slim is saying forget about your old dog you c an have a new one instead to replace, he is trying to break and change the atmosphere in the room because he is scared that Candy will get upset, and react with what people say, and Carlson is not someone who you should stand up to.The silence kept on happening until the end of the chapter this shows that it is silent again, nobody is talking and the atmosphere is tense, no-one wanting to speak in case they say the wrong thing. Candy lay still, staring at the ceiling Candy is staying still and not moving because he is upset, nervous and scared about what has Just happened.After the atmosphere of the shooting and the silence the room then turns to conversations between George and Whit they are discussing Curlers new wife and Delve aggregate to near Ana women Like near won Atlanta themselves so ten tension goes from being scared of what might happen to the dog, then to tension being created in the discussions of women which is quite stereotypical image of women, she will cause fights and tensions with the men in the ranch the tension has gone room annoyance of an old helpless dog to the tension of how a woman can cause tension between men and who think they own her, and whether she deserves what she gets for acting the way she does around them.George sighed â€Å"you give me a good where house every time†he said ‘a guy can go in and get drunk and get everything auto his system all at once' this is a old fashioned stereotypical comment that women should be used in this way to get things out of there system. A strong character in the group voicing his opinion which may not be the same as others creates nervous tension in the room. A gang or team is formed by the remaining people in the bunk house making a dream plan of their own place, they make a pact not to tell the others so tension is caused as the group are scared to tell in case secrets are told. Curler steps over to Leonie asking What the hell you laughing at? Curlers rage then explodes and he hits Leonie, Leonie tries to get George to help him and covers his face George yells at Leonie to get him which he does.Leonie saying You told me to do that George' Leonie will only do what George says and George knows this so he can get him to do anything he wants. Steinbeck creates tension in chapter 3 in a number of ways. Firstly he describes the scene and sets the mood by saying it is dark. It is the end of the day and so the men may be tired and irritable. Steinbeck uses language to show that Candy loves his old dog, but then Carlson suggests it should be shot. This is quite a tense moment and Candy is bullied into agreeing and Carlson can kill Candy's dog. Finally the evening ends in a fight and George badly injures Curler. This atmosphere has been building all night and it does not come as a surprise.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Republic Day (India) Essay
Parades, distribution of sweets in schools and cultural dances In India, Republic Day honors the date on which the Constitution of India came into force replacing the Government of India Act 1935 as the governing document of India on 26 January 1950.[1] The date of 26 January was chosen to honour the declaration of independence of 1930. It is one of the three national holidays in India. While the main parade takes place in the national capital, New Delhi, at the Rajpath before the President of India (currently Pranab Mukherjee, the anniversary is also celebrated with varying degrees of formality in state capitals and other centres. India achieved independence from British rule on 15 August 1947 following the Indian independence movement noted for largely peaceful nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience led[citation needed] by the Indian National Congress. The independence came through the Indian Independence Act 1947 (10 & 11 Geo 6 c. 30), an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that partitioned British India into the two new independent Dominions of the British Commonwealth (later Commonwealth of Nations): India and Pakistan. [2] India obtained its independence on 15 August 1947 as a constitutional monarchy with George VI as head of state and the Earl Mountbatten as governor-general. The country, though, did not yet have a permanent constitution; instead its laws were based on the modified colonial Government of India Act 1935. On 28 August 1947, the Drafting Committee was appointed to draft a permanent constitution, with Dr.B. R. Ambedkar as chairman. While India’s Independence Day celebrates its freedom from British Rule, the Republic Day celebrates the coming into force of its constitution. A draft constitution was prepared by the committee and submitted to the Assembly on 4 November 1947. The Assembly met, in sessions open to public, for 166 days, spread over a period of 2 years, 11 months and 18 days before adopting the Constitution. After many deliberations and some modifications, the 308 members of the Assembly signed two hand-written copies of the document (one each in Hindi and English) on 24 January 1950. Two days later, it came into effect throughout the nation. Celebrations See also: Delhi Republic Day parade The main celebration is held in the capital New Delhi. Celebrations are also held in state capitals, where the Governor of the state unfurls the national flag. If the Governor of the state is unwell, or is unavailable for some reason, the Chief Minister of the state assumes the honour of unfurling the National Flag of India. On this day 26 January Indian flag is hoist by the Presidents of India and after that national anthem is sung by the all groups in the standing postion. India Will Celebrate Its Republic Day With Pride And A Faint Hope For The Mighty Lokpal Dr. Bikkar Singh Lalli On January 26, The Republic of India, world’s largest liberal democracy, rich in ethnic diversity, with over 1.3 billion people speaking hundreds of languages, will be celebrating its secular birth. Perhaps there is no better day than Jan. 26 to reflect on the opening words of the Indian Constitution, the document that enshrines the foundation of the world’s largest democracy begins with ‘We the People of India†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Hopefully, on that day of joyous celebrations, caste, creed or religion for people of India, will not matter at all. It was January 26 of 1950 when the constitution of India came into force and India attained a sovereign status. The Preamble of the constitution seeks to establish what Mahatma Gandhi described as â€Å"The India of my dream: – â€â€.woman will enjoy the same rights as man†. India will celebrate its 63rd Republic Day on Jan.26. Its supercharged economy has been the envy of the world. The dreams of Mahatma pay fi tting tribute to the people of a nation who, from all corners of the planet, are fuelling the spectacular growth of their homeland. During 2010-2011 alone India received $58 billion from Indian Diaspora. â€Å"The people of India, whether they live in India or elsewhere, are the engine of India.†For 2012 however, the economic forecast appears to be a bit gloomy mostly due to the turmoil in the global economy, especially in the Euro-zone Problems in the global economy and the government’s inability to control corruption at home, will affect the government’s revenue-raising capacity in 2012. In fact, the Central excise collection fell by 6.5 per cent in November. That shortfall will affect the investment on infrastructure: like proper roads, power supply and railways that gives better opportunities to the poor to earn more. Thousands of villages remain with little or no power supply. Significantly, core sector industries (power, steel, coal, petroleum refining, electricity, cement, natural gas and oil) grew extremely slowly at 0.1 per cent in October 2011. The slowdown in the EU is also affecting Indian exports which grew only by 4.2 per cent in November 2011. Inflation, which is close to double digit again, will hit the poor hard unless food prices are brought down drastically. This economic melt-down will affect the poor most. Over 800 million Indians are living below the poverty line, and this year about 22 million more will be added to that number with the 2.8 per cent growth in population. For people in dire straight, republic day or for that matter any historical event has no real significance. Anna Hazare’s campaign against corruption is laudable. But, is it possible to cleanse the polluted polity and change the greedy mindset with the passage of a Lokpal Bill? You cannot legislate social change. The democracy, the super-watchdog which should deliver all-round accountability, has become extremely weak and wasteful in India. Election to five States has been announced. To curb irregularities, to fight corruption, the commission has announced steps to reduce the role of black money in elections The politicians accepting funds, for fighting an election, know that a quid pro quo (pay-back) is involved. There are also wealthy fighting elections using their own unaccounted funds. They pay off the party leadership to get nominations. For the elimination of corruption and other maladies afflicting Indian polity, what matters most is the moral and social climate of a country. If this climate is healthy, dry and dirty bushes would not come about. â€Å"The soil would support greener pastures which would throw up upright and earnest people who in turn would choose upright and earnest leaders. One would reinforce the virtues of the other. And the nation would move from clean to cleaner public life, from strength and stability to greater strength and stability.†Every party in power has played havoc with watchdog institutions so as to control them for its narrow ends. Democracy ought to have ensured accountability of institutions. Votes should have weeded out corrupt but the opposite has been happening – the honest rarely win elections. There is a need for political movements that can change the national consciousness; a task being addressed by movement against corruption and for a Lokepal Unfortunately, no one in our national leadership is applying his or her mind to bring about this change. As log as an elected official is not answerable to the electorate in his/her constituency, corruption cannot be eradicated. In his address to the nation the Dr. Manmohan Singh, a man of impeccable integrity and vision, will give a very hopeful message to the nation, regarding the health of the nation’s economy. He has already announced his decision to allow qualified foreign investors (QFIs) to directly invest in the Indian equity marke t. In his address at the 99th Annual Session of the Indian Science Congress in Bhubaneswar (Orissa) on Jan.3, he said that: â€Å"As we head into the Twelfth Plan, there are some objectives we must try to achieve in the Science and Technology sector. First, we must ensure a major increase in investment in R&D, including by industry and strategic sectors. Second, we must ensure the creation of a new innovation ecosystem. Third, we must achieve greater alignment of the Science and Technology sector with the inclusive development needs of our nation. Fourth, we must expand basic science infrastructure. Fifth, we must encourage greater research collaboration among universities and national laboratories.†In order to compete with China, India has to do much more that what PM is aiming at. India has been seriously lagging behind in education. By 2012, it aims to educate as many as seven crore learners out of which six crore will be women. With more than 400 universities and over 20,000 colleges, the student enrolment in India has crossed 12.9 million in 2007 – 2008. Millions of children go to school every day. But for 10 million street children there, 50,000 in the streets of Delhi alone, there is no schooling and no home. They are either rag pickers or engaged in other hazardous jobs, and for them the word ‘secular democracy’ is â€Å"hopelessly meaningless†and redundant. It is estimated that there are 80-100 million children out of schools and are trapped in endless cycle of exploitation. Moreover, India has the dubious distinction of having the largest number of child workers in the world. They need protection, loving homes and good education. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, on Jan.10, described child malnutrition as â€Å"national shame†and said health, education and sanitation sectors must collaborate to shape national response to the problem. â€Å"These sectors can no longer work in isolation. Health professionals cannot solely concentrate on curative care. Drinking water providers cannot be oblivious to the externality of their actions. School teachers need to be aware of the nutritional needs of adolescent girls,†he said after releasing a new research by Hyderabad-based Naandi Foundation on the status child malnutrition in India. According to that research 59 per cent kids are stunted and 42 percent are underweight. Solving malnutrition is in India’s self-interest with a huge economic return on investment. It is estimated that malnutrition costs the economy $29 billion per year in India. – as of reduced productivity and earning and increased health costs. Today, more than one third of the world’s undernourished children reside in India. A country where 79 per cent of the milk samples tested (Jan. 10, 2012, Delhi fared worst), were found to be either contaminated or diluted, cannot expect their toddlers to be in excellent health. Even with the most modern technology and access to medical facilities in most parts of the country, over four lakh newborn babies still die within 24 hours of their life in India, and 2 million children die before they turn the age of five. Most of these children die because of diarrhea, pneumonia, measles and post-natal; complications. According to India’s third National Family Health Survey of 2005-06, 70 per cent of children between six months and 59 months are anemic. Every day 1379 unborn babies are being killed. This is happening in a land where 33 crore gods and goddesses are being worshipped. As a fast emerging world power under the stewardship of a pragmatic academic and realistic visionary, India has started playing a very constructive role on the world stage. However, it has to tackle some very serious problems like extreme poverty, child labour, chronic corruption, infanticide, dowry murders, unacceptable inequality and fast growing population. These problems cannot be tackled without a collective resolve by Indian leadership. Let us congratulate the people of India on that momentous day. Let us all recall the quote from Tagore: â€Å"Where the mind is without fear and the head held high. Where knowledge is free and the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls†¦. let my country awake†.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Clothes and Their Power to Transform and Create Character...
The semiotics of costume explores signs and symbols present which help create a character. Costume is a huge tool for the performer as it can convey a great deal about the character and places them into the setting and time period. Costume is a form of expression that allows the performer to change the way they are perceived by the audience. Colour used in costume can also translate a characters persona or status. Colour is often manipulated subtly by directors with mise en scene. †¢ Catholic church In the Catholic Church symbolism and signs are very dominant and play a massive part in sermons. The liturgical colours used for vestments are quite specific to the time of year. The range of liturgical colours in the Church evolved from the spiritual significance that supports them. Colour is very significant to the tradition of ritual of mass. The colour white is often seen to represent innocence of the soul and purity this is heavily present in the Catholic Church in special occasions such as Baptism, First Communion and Weddings. This could also be seen as a performance where the person is perceived as innocent and pure so that they are ready to accept god. The colour white is often used in performance and is seen as an angelic colour. Red is a symbol of guilt, anger, sin, lust, passion and love across many cultures and is often linked to blood and sex. In the bible Isiah said â€Å"Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow.††¢ She Devil The movie She-DevilShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Play Latins Of La De Land By Migdalia Cruz1448 Words  | 6 Pagescreated by the act of performance and is constructed through the body. 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