Thursday, January 2, 2020
Clothes and Their Power to Transform and Create Character...
The semiotics of costume explores signs and symbols present which help create a character. Costume is a huge tool for the performer as it can convey a great deal about the character and places them into the setting and time period. Costume is a form of expression that allows the performer to change the way they are perceived by the audience. Colour used in costume can also translate a characters persona or status. Colour is often manipulated subtly by directors with mise en scene. †¢ Catholic church In the Catholic Church symbolism and signs are very dominant and play a massive part in sermons. The liturgical colours used for vestments are quite specific to the time of year. The range of liturgical colours in the Church evolved from the spiritual significance that supports them. Colour is very significant to the tradition of ritual of mass. The colour white is often seen to represent innocence of the soul and purity this is heavily present in the Catholic Church in special occasions such as Baptism, First Communion and Weddings. This could also be seen as a performance where the person is perceived as innocent and pure so that they are ready to accept god. The colour white is often used in performance and is seen as an angelic colour. Red is a symbol of guilt, anger, sin, lust, passion and love across many cultures and is often linked to blood and sex. In the bible Isiah said â€Å"Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow.††¢ She Devil The movie She-DevilShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Play Latins Of La De Land By Migdalia Cruz1448 Words  | 6 Pagescreated by the act of performance and is constructed through the body. She states â€Å"gender identity is a performative accomplishment compelled by social sanction and taboo†(Butler 416).The concept of the display of gender through the act of performance is perpetuated within the play Latins in La-La Land by Migdalia Cruz specifically through the characters Sid/Rita and Lorenzo. Both of these characters put on gender and take it off throughout the play, through persona and through representative dressRead MoreJoan Jonas : A Pioneer Of Video Art And Performance1091 Words  | 5 Pages Marquell Smith Ms. Burns ART 101 October 2, 2015 Joan Jonas Born in 1936 in New York, Joan Jonas is a pioneer of video art and performance. Jonas has worked and is working in installation, video, drawing and sculpture where she has collaborated with dancers and musicians. This has made her realize the work on improvisational which is found in the museum and theater stage. Jonas has managed to link texts from stories of the past with present politics. 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